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Methods of Risk Identification - Senior Management Workshop

Rory Roberts

To conduct a risk identification workshop with senior management, an organization might follow these steps:

I. Define the scope and objectives of the workshop: The first step is to define the scope and objectives of the workshop. This might include identifying the specific risks that the workshop will focus on, as well as the goals that the workshop is intended to achieve.

II. Invite participants: The next step is to invite senior management members who will be participating in the workshop. It may also be helpful to invite subject matter experts or other stakeholders who have relevant knowledge or expertise in the areas being discussed.

III. Prepare materials: Before the workshop, it can be helpful to prepare materials such as agendas, slides, or handouts to help guide the discussion and ensure that all participants have access to the same information. It can be useful to bring a list of material risks identified through other means such as polling to the workshop.

IV. Conduct the workshop: During the workshop, it is important to facilitate an open and inclusive discussion among participants. This might involve using techniques such as brainstorming or SWOT analysis to identify risks and explore potential risk management options.

V. Document findings: It is important to document the findings of the workshop, including any risks that were identified and the risk management measures that were recommended. This documentation can be used to inform future risk management efforts.

VI. Follow up: After the workshop, it is important to follow up with participants to ensure that any action items or recommendations are being implemented. This might involve scheduling additional workshops or meetings to review progress and make any necessary adjustments to the organization's risk management strategy.

Overall, a risk identification workshop with senior management can be a useful tool for identifying and managing risks within an organization. By following a structured process and involving key stakeholders, an organization can effectively identify and address potential risks.

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